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Dawood Public School celebrates Aameen Ceremony

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The Aameen ceremony was conducted by the Quran Department after the completion of “Nazra Quran”

Karachi – May 16, 2017: The students, along with their mothers, teachers & staff celebrated their completion of ‘Nazra Quran’ which they had started in class I, at an Aameen Ceremony at Dawood Public School. The ceremony comprised of several activities including Qirat, Hamd, Naat and documentary on the topic of “Golden Age of Islam”.

The spirit of the event reflected the school’s focus on Islamic studies as well as other subjects. Islamic teachings are an integral part of the curriculum at Dawood Public School. Being an all-girls school, the institution has a Quran department comprising female Islamic Scholars (Aalimas and Qaarias) that impart Islamic learning to students of all classes. The department also conducts exams moderated by external independent scholars to award students with certificates of completion of “Nazra Quran Course” in which special attention has been given to intonation (Tajweed) and practicing principles of Islam to give students the knowledge of Islam.

On this auspicious occasion, Ms. Mahvish Roshani, Principal, Dawood Public School addressed the audience. She said: “Our school gives equal importance to Islamic and contemporary learning. Therefore, courses like “Nazra Quran” and activities like “aameen ceremony” adhere our students to practice Islam freely which, on the other hand, shows the importance given to Quran learning at Dawood Public School. We believe since Dawood Public is an all-girl school, it’s a matter of high importance to have only female scholars teaching our students allowing them to learn freely about Islamic teachings.”

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